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Жевательная резинка Пафоса

Кипрская традиционная жевательная резинка Пафоса — натуральная смола, собираемая со ствола Терпентинного дерева (лат. Рistacia terebinthus). Pезинка имеет желтый цвет, очень жесткая. Палочки резинки завернуты в тонкую бумажную...


Халлуми — традиционный кипрский сыр, изготовляемый из козьего или овечьего молока. Очень часто при приготовлении к сыру добавляют свежую мяту, которая усиливает вкус халлуми. Этот деликатесный белый сыр подают к завтраку,...

Кипрский Экмек-кадаиф

Экмек кадаиф является одним из обожаемых десертов кипрской кухни. Это –традиционный хлебный пуддинг, изготовляемый из двух хлебных коржей с прослойкой из творога, дробленного миндаля и корицы. Далее заготовка из коржей...

Кипрский картофель и Колоказия

Кипрский картофель стал одним из известных картофелей в Европе, особенно в Великобритании. Картофель, выращиваемый востровном климате и почве, не только добавляет неповторимый вкус к блюдам, но и сохраняет свой...

Traditional Seles, Sestas and Baskets

"Seles (flat wicker baskets) and 'Sestas (wicker trays) are kitchen utensils made from woven wheat straw which are either naturally coloured or dyed. The stronger wicker baskets are more generally made from woven bamboo canes and tree stems and are used for carrying harvested fruits. These products were more commonly used in the past, however nowadays they are locally used as decorations and are very...

Pastry Dishes and Pies

Pastry dishes hold a very important place in Cypriot Cuisine, as it has been influenced by many different cultures through the years. The most important pastry delicacies can be listed as; ‘Tatar boregi’, ‘pirohu’, ‘nor boregi’ (whey cheese pie), 'kiyma boregi’ (minced meat pie), ispanak boregi' (spinach pie), 'kabak boregi' (pumpkin pie), 'mantar boregi' (mushroom pie), zeytinli (olive...


Another important savoury in the Cypriot Cuisine is the mezes. Mezes are a mixed variety of cold and hot dishes generally served as appetizers prior to a meal. 'Humus, 'cacık, 'tahın' pickled caper and celery,'samarella' (cured sheep with salt and oregano), fried hellim'çakıstes'(cracked green olives marinated in olive oil, lemon, garlic and coriander seeds), tongue, brain and 'pastirma' (spicy...

Şeftali Kebap

The tasty 'şeftali kebap' is an authentic Cypriot sausage made from a mixture of ground goat or sheep meat, finely chopped onions, parsley and various herbs which are then wrapped into the caul fat. The delicious final product is then cooked on the charcoal or grilled until they turn golden...

Babutsa (Prickly Pears)

The prickly pear or Babutsa as it is more commonly known amongst Cypriot locals, is the fruit of a cactus plant which grows wildly in natural circumstances all over Cyprus. This tasty Mediterranean fruit is commonly found on the market and it is generally found and harvested from the area of Serdarlı...

Lefkara Lace Embroidery

There are many historical examples showing the qualities of Cypriot handicrafts such as the belief that Alexander the Great's sword was made in Cyprus and that Leonardo Da Vinci admired Cypriot embroidery. Lefkara Lace embroidery is named after the village it originated from and dates back to the 14th century. Even though it was produced for personal needs in the past, it is now produced as a commercial...

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