Kasım 2020

Büyük Han

Sadece Lefkoşa değil, adadaki en önemli Osmanlı Dönemi eseridir. 1572-1579 tarihleri arasında Bursa’daki Koza Han örnek alınarak, kareplan şeklinde, iki katlı olarak inşa edilmiştir. Toplam 68 odası bulunan hanın, alt kat odaları ticarethane, üst kat odaları ise otel olarak kullanılmaktaydı. Günümüzde ise sanatsal ve turistik ürünlerin satışa sunulduğu bir gezi ve eğlence...

Bedesten (St. Nicolas Kilisesi)

Venedik döneminde bina Yunan Ortodoks kilisesine verildi. Yapıya hüküm süren uygarlıklar farklı mimari doku ve tasarım kattılar. Osmanlı döneminde çoğunlukla tekstil ürünleri ve kumaş satmak veya depolamak için çarşı olarak kullanılmıştır. Kuzey kapısındaki taş oyma pencereler, Ayasofya Katedrali’dekilere...

St. Barnabas Manastırı ve İkon Müzesi

Gazimağusa-Salamis Antik Kenti’nin batısında yer alan manastır, Salamis kentinde Yahudi bir ailenin çocuğu olan ve eğitim için gittiği Kudüs’te Hristiyanlığı kabul edip, St. Paul ile birlikte adada Hristiyanlığı yayan Aziz St. Barnabas anısına inşa edilmiştir. Manastır, kilise, avlu, manastır odaları ve St. Barnabas’ın mezarının bulunduğu şapelden meydana gelmiştir. Bina...


For those who seek an adrenalin rush, paragliding is another sporting attraction available to those who visit Northern Cyprus between April and October. It is also the perfect chance to take some great photographs of the fascinating scenery with a birds-eye...


Cyprus' unique and mild climate provides the possibility for trekking all throughout the year. Whilst trekking along the many paths prepared along the Beşparmak (Five Finger) Mountains you will enjoy the beautiful scenery and nature as well as stumbling upon historical treasures such as St. Hilarion Castle which pop out of the natural environment as if they spring out of story...


Yachts setting sail from the Kyrenia (Girne) and Famagusta (Gazimağusa) Harbours offer various tempting voyages in the clear warm Mediterranean waters that surround our beautiful island. The well endowed marine culture naturally becomes a way of life with Cyprus being an...


Due to its mild climate, Cyprus is a suitable site for the sport of golf to be played all year round. Top quality facilities which have recently been built increase the attraction to the sport on the...

The Coffee Culture

Social relationships and family ties play an important part in the Turkish Cypriot community. The culture of serving coffee enhances social ties in the Turkish Cypriot culture and generally Turkish coffee is a preference for any local household family. Another common social activity for women in the Turkish Cypriot community is fortune telling from the coffee residue left in the...

Cyprus Donkeys

The Cyprus donkey is one of the many animals that are indigenous to the island and they have attracted a lot of attention as the symbol of the island. Generally roaming around in groups, they have managed to create a wild habitat for themselves in the nature of the Karpaz Peninsula. It is highly likely to see the donkeys in their natural habitats especially around the village of 'Dipkarpaz' and Cape...

Migrating and Endemic Bird Species

Due to Cyprus' location, it is a site on the route of birds migrating between Europe and Africa. In addition to this, the island also plays host to endemic bird species such as the Cyprus Wheatear and the Cyprus Warbler. Both of these species have evolved through the years adapting to the environment and weather conditions of Cyprus, thus differentiating from similar...

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