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Северный Кипр

Migrating and Endemic Bird Species

Due to Cyprus' location, it is a site on the route of birds migrating between Europe and Africa. In addition to this, the island also plays host to endemic bird species such as the Cyprus Wheatear and the Cyprus Warbler. Both of these species have evolved through the years adapting to the environment and weather conditions of Cyprus, thus differentiating from similar...

Sea Turtles

The Island of Cyprus has been visited for hundreds of millions of years by Loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and Green Turtles. These astonishing creatures visit Cyprus' shores every year in order to nest along the golden sands of 'Alagadi (Turtle) Beach' on the northern coastline and "Golden Beach' and 'Ronnas Beach' in the Karpaz Peninsula of Northern...

Endemic Plants

With approximately 1900 different plants housed in its natural environment, the Island of Cyprus fascinates all visitors. Almost 1600 of these species are commonly seen all around Northern Cyprus of the 120 different plants that are unique to the island, the 'Brossica Hilarionis, 'Dianthus Cyprius' and 'Silene Fraudatrix' are a few of the 19 endemic species which are distinctly found in their natural...

Traditional Fırın Kebap

Cyprus' traditional 'Firin Kebap' is also known as Thieves Kebap' and is made from chunks of lamb's meat or young goat's meat being cooked together with potatoes in traditional jar shaped ovens. Firin Kebap' is one of Cypriot cuisine's most important dishes and it is served with strained yoghurt, onions, cracked wheat pilaf and seasonal...


For those who would like to try their luck under the dazzling array of lights, North Cyprus has the finest of top quality casinos legally operating live, just as in countries such as USA, Germany, China and...


The warm and crystal clear waters surrounding Northern Cyprus offer the perfect opportunity for divers from all over the world to discover the fascinating marine life. Owing to the fact that, the water temperature in November is about 20°C the diving season lasts from April up until...

Ceviz Macunu

"Cevizmacunu (Green walnuts in syrup) are one of the most popular Turkish Cypriot delicacies. The fresh walnuts are kept in fresh water for a week and then almonds and cloves are placed in the middle which is carved out. The sweets are then boiled and sugar is added. The sweet is generally served after Turkish...


‘Zivaniya’ is a traditional Cypriot beverage, which is distilled from pomace (or marcs), the residue of grapes that are pressed during the winemaking process (including the stems and seeds). The mixture is then distilled to produce Zivaniya. The colorless and strong alcoholic drink has a light aroma of raisins and is characterized by its typical taste. It is advised that you drink it cold and sip by...


"Molehiya' is a traditional Cypriot dish that is made from either fresh or dried leaves of the 'molehiya' plant. Although the dish originates from the Arabs, it has eventually become a delicious national...

Реликтовые деревья или «Памятники природы»

В настоящее время в районе Морфу-Калканлы находится околО 2000 реликтовых оливковых деревьев, находящихся под защитой. Считается, что возраст некоторых из них составляет порядка 1000 лет. Ученые допускают, что эти реликтовые...

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